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2024区块链全球峰会演讲嘉宾信息收集表/ 2024 Global Blockchain Summit Speaker Info Collection



职位/Job Title


欢迎晚宴邀请函将发送至此邮箱/The innovation letter to Welcome Dinner will be sent to this email address.

演讲主题/Speech Topic

主旨演讲嘉宾必填,圆桌讨论嘉宾请填“无”/ Keynote speakers please fill in your speech topic. Panelists please fill in "None".

头像照片/Profile Photo

Full length, 750*1200

个人简介/ Bio

中文100个字以内,英文200个单词以内/ within 100 Chinese characters or 200 English words

对过去一年Web3/区块链行业发展的看法/ Your takes on the development of Web3/Blockchain industry over the past year

对万向峰会和未来行业发展的寄语/ What would you like to say to the event or the industry?


*该申请表可以用中文或英文填写/You can fill in the application form in either Chinese or English *如有疑问,请发送邮件至:[email protected] / If you have any questions, please send emails to [email protected]